Monday, October 25, 2010

The Giver (10/26)

Title: The Giver
Author: Lois Lowry
Type: Novel
Ages: 7 years +
Rating: 4.5

Summary: Jonas lives in a structure community, where everything is hand picked for individuals. Jonas receives the role of being the carry of memories for his community. As he uncovers the truth behind his family and community will he be able to carry out his role as memory keeper?

Once you start reading this novel it is extremely hard to put down. This world you have never heard of becomes intriguing as you learn more and more about their odd behaviors. I think for younger readers it may be difficult to understand some parts so I think it would be best implemented as a novel that you read along with students in class. That way at the confusing parts you can stop and have discussion to clear up the confusing parts.

I think the most interesting chapters to discuss with students would be Chapter 12, 19, 20 and 23. I especially thinking discussing what the word "release" means would be interesting to discuss with students. I am sure there would be many different interpretations and you could compare the students definitions to Chapter 19 when Jonas first leans what release really means.

One activity I think I would do with this book would be to have the students each write an additional chapter for the book. The ending is very ambiguous and it is up to your interpretation of what happens to Jonas. I think having the students writing an additional chapter at the ending would let them explore their interpretation.

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