Tuesday, October 5, 2010

And Tango Makes Three (10/12)

Title: And Tango Makes Three
Author: Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell
Illustrator: Henky Cole
Type: "Controversial" Picture book
Ages: 4-8 
Rating: 4

Summary: Two male penguins fall in love and raise their own baby penguin named Tango. 

The most obvious reason why this book is so controversial is because it is suggesting a homosexual relationship between the two male penguins. Although this may be considered a controversial book, I think it is a very good book. The authors do a very good job at being cautious with their word choice so they do not overexpose children to this sensitive subject of homosexuality. Actually, in the beginning of this book the way the two male penguins Ray and Silo interact I just thought they were best friends. 

This book does a good job at educating children on this sensitive topic. For example it explains in a very simple way Silo and Ray cannot have a penguin baby of their own. It states that they are both males, so therefore they are "fathers" and they need a mother penguin in order make a baby penguin. Overall, I was just really impressed at how the authors could make this  fun, educational, and provide just the right information on the topic of homosexuals without overeducating them on the subject. 

I think most adults would be uncomfortable with this book because they are uncomfortable with homosexuals or the subject of trying to teach their child about homosexuals. But honestly I don't think children would ask that many questions after reading this book. The point that is being made in this book is that Silo, Ray and Tango have the same life as any other family they just have two dads instead of one. 

I also loved at the end of the story their was an author's note stating that this book was based off a true story of two penguins. I never would have thought penguins have real relationships like humans!

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