Monday, November 8, 2010

Corduroy (11/9)

Title: Corduroy
Author: Don Freeman
Ages: 4+
Type: Picture Book
Rating: 5

Summary: A story of an unwanted teddy bear who finally finds a home.

I think everyone can relate to this story. We have always had that one bear or doll that we could not live without. This is the story told from that bear's point of view. I also think it is important to note the themes that are presented in this book.

Don Freedman says it best himself,

“Just possibly you would like to hear something of the background of Corduroy as I first came upon it… Of course I can’t remember exactly how it started, but I do recall wanting to do a story about a department store in which a character wanders around at night after the doors close. Then I also wanted the story to show the vast difference between the luxury of a department store [and] the simple life [most people live]. The idea of simple basic values was another theme that was running around in the back of my head. I don’t remember how or when a toy bear came into my life, but he must have come from way out of my past. You know, I could just see a bear wearing corduroy overalls with one button missing … the minute I settled on Corduroy and Lisa, everything came together.” -

In the book Corduroy compares the luxuriousness of the department store and the home he finally resides in. He says his home is a lot smaller but stresses that it is home. I think it is important to recognize this because we all live in different size, shapes, and types of homes. But it is home, a place of security and comfort.

My favorite part of the book is the very last page. It says, 

"You must be a friend," said Corduroy. "I've always wanted a friend." "Me too!" said Lisa, and gave him a big hug. I really liked this line because again it reminds me of my first stuffed animal, which happened to be a dog. Children often have stuffed animals as their first friend that is why I think this is such a classic and well known book. There isn't anyone who can't relate to having a friend in inanimate object!

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